Hello again! Today I'm going to talk about my postgraduates studies.
First of all, I'ts difficult to me to think about my future, because the future is impredecible, so, I'm a little bit scaried about think something and these thing will not happen. Anyways, If I started thinking about my future, probably I would work like a general dentistry for a few years, to beef up my knowledge and learn more about the sensation of help my pacients. After these years I would like to study again, a specialty, but I'm not sure what it could be, because I like two or three differents specialties (endodontics, radiology and pathology) and there are so differents! Also, these three specialties are not very known. Maybe I would study all of my favorite specialties, If I had the time and the money to do it. At the same time, I would work in another job to pay my studies, because the education in Chile, desafortunadly, its expensive. Maybe I would work like a dentistry as well, I don't know. I haven't thought about study an magister or a doctorate, but is an option and maybe It could happen! If I had the oportunity, I would like to travel to another countries to learn more, like Spain or United States for a exchange, but these things happen only in the movies right? or not? I don't now.